Journalism is poised for a golden age of progress and success under President Dr Muizzu’s tenure: Vice President

Vice President Uz Hussain Mohamed Latheef has expressed optimism for a golden age of progress and success for journalism under President Dr Muizzu’s leadership.

He made the remarks on Saturday night during the Journalism Awards 2022 ceremony held by Maldives Media Council (MMC).

During the ceremony hosted at the Maldives Islamic University, Vice President emphasised the significant role of media and journalism in national development, aligning with President Dr Muizzu’s Presidential pledges. He outlined key initiatives including allocation of funds from state budget to local media outlets for independent operations and establishment of a media village to reduce office costs as part of the administration’s vision to achieve these.

Furthermore, the Vice President highlighted that financing the training and education of journalists in various fields, providing unbiased information, being transparent with journalists, and responsibly disclosing information were important goals of the administration.

Speaking at the ceremony, the Vice President emphasised on the heightened role of journalists in contemporary society. Citing the ease with which information can be disseminated through social media, the Vice President reminded journalists of their duty to report accurately, ensuring that misinformation and rumors do not supersede reality. In this regard, the Vice President stated that journalists have a more significant national duty than ever before.

At tonight’s ceremony, the Vice President unveiled the new logo of the Maldives Media Council and awarded the Journalist of the Year Award 2022 to Ahmed Naaif from Dhauru News.


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