Signatures to dismiss Nasheed was obtained by threatening lawmakers: Ilyas

Hulhudhoo MP Ilyas Labeeb has alleged that the MPD lawmakers were blackmailed to use their signatures to bring the no-confidence motion against Speaker Mohamed Nasheed to parliament for the second time.

Speaking on a programme on Sangu TV last night, MP Ilyas said that in order to get signatures, things were being proposed that the members would get various benefits. This includes giving flats to close relatives and speedy disposal of cases pending against them before the end of the current presidential term.

The members have made it clear to us that they are acting under influence, especially MDP members. Some MPs have said so to President Nasheed. We know that members are being blackmailed and intimidated.

Ilyas said.

He claimed that the Nasheed’s n0-confidence motion was re-filed in a “wrong” manner, hence, would not be possible to cooperate with the case.

MDP’s PG decided to re-introduce the no-confidence motion against Nasheed after a massive defeat in the second round of the presidential election. The complaint was filed before the first round, but it was withdrawn after the elections were held in two rounds.


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