Abdul Raheem to Jameel: We will not forget Jameel’s role in overthrowing Yameen

PNC chairperson Abdul Raheem has said that he will never forget how the opposition PPM/PNC came to power.

Speaking at a public gathering held in Addu Hulhumeedhoo during the ongoing visit of the PPM/PNC leadership to Addu City, Abdul Raheem said that they have not forgotten who destroyed the country by bringing in an MDP government.

I remember how we got power. I can’t forget how we managed to get to power. The way we managed to come to power. The struggle we had to face. Those who cooperated. And those who stood up against it. Those who have betrayed this country. I remember who destroyed entire country by bringing in MDP government. I can see that in my eyes. The voices are already in our ears.

Speaking at the PPM/PNC gathering held in Addu Hulhumeedhoo last night, Abdul Raheem said.

Speaking further at the meeting, Abdul Raheem said that the MDP government was formed by making false statements about President Yameen. Abdul Raheem addede that MDP’s government was formed on the basis of rumours spread by a group of people who had come out to change president Yameen’s government.

There is no allegation that is not made. Those who speak about it today may forget how we came to power today, but our team that tried to bring this regime to power will not forget it.

Abdurahim said.

Abdul Raheem said that the efforts of the people of the country to win the last presidential election are well-crafted and this is a government that the people have earned.

While Abdul Raheem says he did not remember how PPM/PNC came to power, speaking at a party meeting at the PPM office, led by President Yameen recently, Dr. Jameel said the biggest mistake the PPM/PNC can make would be to forget how the PPM/PNC came to power. Dr. Jameel said president Yameen was the biggest sacrifice in bringing PPM PNC to power.

Dr. Jameel has been recognised as one of the key figures in defeating President Yameen in 2018 Presidential election. Jameel also made a number of allegations referring to President Yameen, saying that he had looted state property. However, later, Dr. Jameel has served as a defence lawyer for President Yameen.


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