Jumhooree Party holds its National Conference

Jumhooree Party has begun its National Conference on Friday evening.

Over 1,000 members and representatives attended the event that began at Dharubaaruge this weekend. In addition to JP members, senior officials from political parties attended the event as well. Indian Ambassador Shri Munu Mahawar also attended the nation conference.

Before the Conference, party officials informed in press briefings, during the conference the participants will also be discussing the upcoming presidential elections. However, only JP’s council members will be able to vote on the matter for a final decision.

In addition, party will be electing 5 deputy leaders  at the conference meeting today. An amendment was made to the party charter yesterday, abolishing Vice President and President’s position in the party leadership lineup.

Prior to the conference, Hon. Qasim Ibrahim was elected as party  leader, as he was the sole candidate expressed interest to the position. Since its inception, the JP has been led by Gasim Ibrahim as party’s leader.

The third largest party in the Maldives, with over 22,ooo members in its party registry, JP will also be electing a council during the conference today.


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