Delegation on behalf of President Nasheed also visits JP Leader Qasim

A delegation representing the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) President and the Parliament Speaker, Mohamed Nasheed have also met with the leader of Jumhooree Party Qasim Ibrahim.

On Sunday night, on behalf of President Nasheed, former member of Parliament of Gaafu Dhaalu atoll, Mohamed Rasheed Hussain and former member of parliament of  Madaveli constituency Mohamed Nazim met with Gasim Ibrahim at his Sun Island Resort.

Earlier this week, MDP PG Leader, MP Mohamed Aslam and  MP Ali Niyaz also met Qasim at the Sun Island Resort. Later, extending invitation to his existing coalition partners, President Solih invited JP, Adhaalath Party and MRM, for formal negotiations to forming an MDP led coalition for the upcoming presidential election.

Ahead of the presidential election, scheduled for September 9th, both the factions inside MDP are also eying for securing the Jumhooree Party leader’s support.

However, Qasim is yet to make a decision for contesting the upcoming Presidential Election. JP said, a decision will be made after the national conference scheduled to be held next Friday.


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