President invites coalition partners for formal negotiation

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has extended invitation to his existing coalition partners, inviting them for negotiations to forming an MDP led coalition for the upcoming presidential election.

On Sunday a formal letter was sent to the ruling coalition parties, namely Maldives’ Republican Party, Jumhooree Party (JP), Adhaalath Party and the Maldives Reform Movement (MRM) led by former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

President Solih, who won the presidential primary elections with a landslide victory against MDP president Mohamed Nasheed, has been handed over the presidential ticket of 2023 Presidential election on 17th February 2023.

President Solih won the ruling MDP presidential election held on 28 February 2023, by receiving 61 per cent of the total votes cast, while President Nasheed received 15,641 votes, which amounts to 38.90 percent of the total vote. President Solih received 24,566 votes.

During the Primary campaign president repeatedly said, his bid for reelection would also be with the existing coalition partners. The MDP National Assembly has handed over him all the powers to consult with political parties.

President also said he intends to win the upcoming presidential election without having to run for a second round and he urged coalition parties remain united for the stability and development of the country.

No coalition party has yet decided on the presidential election. The largest coalition party other than MDP, the Jumhooree Party led Gasim Ibarahim earlier said, a decision will be made after the JP national conference starting next Friday.

The Elections Commission (EC) earlier announced that this year’s Presidential Election will be held on September 9, 2023.

In case of a second round in the presidential election, runoff voting will be held on 30th September, 21 days after the first round, as stipulated by the law. Applications will be opened for candidates to file their candidatures 3rd July onwards.

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