Maldives Airports Company Ltd holds cancer screening event for staff

Maldives Airports Company Ltd (MACL) in association with the Society for Health Education (SHE) and Cancer Society of Maldives (CSM) has conducted an Oral, Breast cancer screening and awareness session for MACL staff at the Airport Recreation Center.

The event, organized by the Occupational Safety and Health Management Section of the Safety, Security, and Compliance Department of MACL, aimed to promote the health and well-being of the company’s staff.

MACL informs that Mr Mahjoob Shujau, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of MACL with department heads participated in the event, encouraging all staff to take part in the cancer screening program.

MACL states that the Company’s Occupational Health & Safety Management section works tirelessly in ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for staffs.

Additionally, MACL is also planning to launch, via Safety, Security, and Compliance department, an annual health and safety campaign to further promote safety and health within the MACL community.

MACL highlighted the role played by Society for Health Education (SHE) and Cancer Society of Maldives (CSM) and thanked them for providing tremendous support to this event.

According to the World Health Organization, cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. However, early detection through regular cancer screenings can increase the chances of successful treatment and recovery.


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