Majority Media Outlets sign MMC’s new code of ethics

On October 15, majority of local media have have signed MMC’s revised code of ethics. MMC’s proposed revised Code of Ethics were after 11 years of its initial Code of Ethics were made available.

The first code of ethics was created by Maldives Media Council (MMC) in 2011. The recent code of ethics was endorsed more 60 media outlets registered under Ministry of Home affairs.

The endorsement ceremony for Media outlets to sign of the new ethics was held at Radio Building on Saturday, this week.

The MMC’s code of ethics mandates all registered media correspondents and journalists to obey to its principles in place. The ethical standards include;

– Respect the Islamic faith, Maldives constitution, laws and regulations of the Maldives

– Respect the general public’s right to be informed

– Respect the human rights and maintain social decency

– Refrain from illicit profiteering that will harm media and news correspondence

– Adhere to the standards of journalism and maintain resolute

The new code of ethics outline standards for journalism and news reporters, as well as other principles and standards media are required to follow.

According to the new code of ethics, local media outlets that endorsed it must form their individual code of ethics with respect to the original regulations.


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